Couples Strengthening Couples (CSC)

Couples' Ministry

Couples Strengthening Couples (CSC) is a ministry that focuses on married couples in every stage of their marriage from newlyweds to couples who have been together for years.  It is the mission of Couples Strengthening Couples to take married couples to a higher level through monthly Godly fellowships. Through these fellowships, we focus on imparting a Godly positive impact that will elevate each couple to a higher level in their personal walk with God and their walk with their mate for life.

Pastors Jonathan and Kimberly Allen enjoy the privileges of marriage as God has designed it. With 31 years of firsthand experience and through conviction, they demonstrate how to walk out life with your mate. Monthly, they discuss common issues that are experienced in marriage and developing relationships.

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24 - AMP)